Monday, April 16, 2007

Material Question

So, I am thinking about materiality....Not much beyond that. I know that I want to do all sustainable materials. Preferably I want things that are cheap and beautiful. It would be nice to use local reclaimed/recycled materials. I think the qualities I am thinking about presently are public and private as well as something in between. To me this implies translucent, transparent, and opaque. I am also interested in materials that are malleable. Do any of you have suggestions of materials or suppliers?

1 comment:

anita cooney said...

You can consider the combination of old materials into a new configuration; like a Robert Rauschenberg combine. You can think about repurposing old things, tires, carpet samples, etc. like Sam Mockbee did with his students in the Rural Studio. Think about the effects you are after rahter than searching for specific sources at this time.