The Door Knob
I guess with this investigation I am interested in exploring the physical connection with the built-environment. And what are other implications...in relationship to space & time."The door handle is the handshake of the buildig. The tactile sense connects us with time and tradition; through marks of touch we shake the hands of countless generation."
- Juhani Pallasmaa
With this assignment...I have a harder time with producing measured diagram and/or visual documentation. I would appreciate any input. Thanx!
1 comment:
Esther -
the drawing of the hand grabbing the doorknob, the handshake of the building, is good. I think it would be valuable to trace the the line, axis, and contour of the photos of the hand on the doorknob and overlay to make one drawing...losing some of the identity of the hand. Aos a similar overlay of the various types of handshakes, i.e. the shapes of the knobs would illuminate the point of contact between body and architecture.
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